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Use this content finder to find SolutionBank, GeoGebra interactives and Casio calculator support for Pure Mathematics Year 1/AS. The chapter links below take you the interactives and calculator support for each chapter and to full worked solutions for each exercise.

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Pure 1 combined SolutionBank


1     Algebraic expressions

2     Quadratics

3     Equations and inequalities

4     Graphs and transformations

Review exercise 1

5     Straight line graphs

6     Circles

7     Algebraic methods

8     The binomial expansion

9     Trigonometric ratios

10   Trigonometric identities and equations

Review exercise 2

11   Vectors

12   Differentiation

13   Integration

14   Exponentials and logarithms

Review exercise 3

Practice exam paper

1      Algebraic expressions

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      Exercise 1A SolutionBank

      Exercise 1B SolutionBank

      Exercise 1C SolutionBank

      Page 10: Use your calculator to enter negative and fractional powers.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 1D SolutionBank

      Exercise 1E SolutionBank

      Exercise 1F SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 1 SolutionBank

2      Quadratics

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      Exercise 2A SolutionBank

      Exercise 2B SolutionBank

      Exercise 2C SolutionBank

      Page 24: Use your calculator to check solutions to quadratic equations quickly.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 2D SolutionBank

      Exercise 2E SolutionBank

      Page 28: Explore how the graph of y = (x + p)2 + q changes as the values of p and q change using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 2F SolutionBank

      Page 31: Explore how the value of the discriminant changes with k using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 2G SolutionBank

      Page 33: Explore the trajectory of the spear using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 2H SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 2 SolutionBank

3      Equations and inequalities

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      Exercise 3A SolutionBank

      Exercise 3B SolutionBank

      Page 43: Find the point of intersection graphically using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Page 43: Plot the curve and the line using GeoGebra to find the two points of intersection.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Page 44: Explore how the value of k affects the line and the curve using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 3C SolutionBank

      Exercise 3D SolutionBank

      Exercise 3E SolutionBank

      Exercise 3F SolutionBank

      Page 54: Explore which regions on the graph satisfy which inequalities using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 3G SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 3 SolutionBank

4      Graphs and transformations

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      Page 60: Explore the graph of y = (xp)(xq)(xr) where p, q and r are constants using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 4A SolutionBank

      Page 64: Explore the graph of y = (xp)(xq)(xr)(xs) where p, q, r and s are constants using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 4B SolutionBank

      Page 67: Explore the graph of y=ax for different values of a in GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 4C SolutionBank

      Exercise 4D SolutionBank

      Page 72: Explore translations of the graph of y = x3 using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 4E SolutionBank

      Page 77: Explore stretches of the graph of y = x(x − 2)(x + 1) using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 4F SolutionBank

      Exercise 4G SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 4 SolutionBank

Review exercise 1

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      Review exercise 1 SolutionBank

5      Straight line graphs

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      Page 90: Explore the gradient formula using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 5A SolutionBank

      Exercise 5B SolutionBank

      Page 94: Explore lines of a given gradient passing through a given point using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 5C SolutionBank

      Page 95: Plot the solution on a graph using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Page 95: Check solutions to simultaneous equations using your calculator.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 5D SolutionBank

      Exercise 5E SolutionBank

      Page 98: Explore this solution using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 5F SolutionBank

      Page 101: Draw both lines and the triangle AOB on a graph using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 5G SolutionBank

      Exercise 5H SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 5 SolutionBank

6      Circles

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      Exercise 6A SolutionBank

      Exercise 6B SolutionBank

      Page 117: Explore the general form of the equation of a circle using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 6C SolutionBank

      Page 121: Explore intersections of straight lines and circles using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 6D SolutionBank

      Page 123: Explore the circle theorems using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 6E SolutionBank

      Page 130: Explore triangles and their circumcircles using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 6F SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 6 SolutionBank

7      Algebraic methods

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      Exercise 7A SolutionBank

      Exercise 7B SolutionBank

      Exercise 7C SolutionBank

      Exercise 7D SolutionBank

      Exercise 7E SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 7 SolutionBank

8      The binomial expansion

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      Exercise 8A SolutionBank

      Page 161: Use the nCr and ! functions on your calculator to answer this question.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 8B SolutionBank

      Page 163: Work out each coefficient quickly using the nCr and power functions on your calculator.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 8C SolutionBank

      Exercise 8D SolutionBank

      Page 168: Use GeoGebra to find the values of x for which the first four terms of this expansion give a good approximation to the value of the function.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 8E SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 8 SolutionBank

9      Trigonometric ratios

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      Page 174: Explore the cosine rule using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Page 175: Use your calculator to work this out efficiently.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 9A SolutionBank

      Page 179: Explore the sine rule using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 9B SolutionBank

      Exercise 9C SolutionBank

      Page 186: Explore the area of a triangle using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 9D SolutionBank

      Page 189: Explore the solution step-by-step using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 9E SolutionBank

      Exercise 9F SolutionBank

      Page 197: Plot transformations of trigonometric graphs using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 9G SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 9 SolutionBank

10  Trigonometric identities and equations

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      Page 203: Use GeoGebra to explore the values of sin θ, cos θ and tan θ for any angle θ in a unit circle.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 10A SolutionBank

      Exercise 10B SolutionBank

      Exercise 10C SolutionBank

      Exercise 10D SolutionBank

      Exercise 10E SolutionBank

      Exercise 10F SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 10 SolutionBank

Review exercise 2

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      Review exercise 2 SolutionBank

11  Vectors

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      Page 231: Explore vector addition using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 11A SolutionBank

      Page 237: Explore this solution as a vector diagram on a coordinate grid using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 11B SolutionBank

      Page 239: Explore the magnitude of a vector using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 11C SolutionBank

      Exercise 11D SolutionBank

      Page 245: Use GeoGebra to show that diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Page 246: Check your answer by entering the vectors directly into your calculator.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 11E SolutionBank

      Exercise 11F SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 11 SolutionBank

12  Differentiation

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      Page 257: Explore the gradient of the chord AP using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 12A SolutionBank

      Exercise 12B SolutionBank

      Exercise 12C SolutionBank

      Page 265: Use your calculator to check solutions to quadratic equations quickly.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 12D SolutionBank

      Exercise 12E SolutionBank

      Page 269: Explore the tangent and normal to the curve using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 12F SolutionBank

      Page 271: Explore increasing and decreasing functions using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 12G SolutionBank

      Exercise 12H SolutionBank

      Page 274: Explore the solution using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Page 275: Check your solution using your calculator.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 12I SolutionBank

      Page 277: Use GeoGebra to explore the key features linking y = f(x) and y = f'(x).

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 12J SolutionBank

      Exercise 12K SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 12 SolutionBank

13  Integration

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      Exercise 13A SolutionBank

      Exercise 13B SolutionBank

      Page 294: Explore the solution using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 13C SolutionBank

      Exercise 13D SolutionBank

      Exercise 13E SolutionBank

      Page 300: Check your solution using your calculator.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 13F SolutionBank

      Exercise 13G SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 13 SolutionBank

14  Exponentials and logarithms

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      Exercise 14A SolutionBank

      Page 314: Explore the relationship between exponential functions and their derivatives using GeoGebra.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Page 316: Use GeoGebra to draw transformations of y = ex.

      GeoGebra interactive

      Exercise 14B SolutionBank

      Page 317: Work this out in one go using the e[] button on your calculator.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 14C SolutionBank

      Page 320: Use the logarithm buttons on your calculator.

      Graphic calculator tutorial

      Scientific calculator tutorial

      Exercise 14D SolutionBank

      Exercise 14E SolutionBank

      Exercise 14F SolutionBank

      Exercise 14G SolutionBank

      Exercise 14H SolutionBank

      Mixed exercise 14 SolutionBank

Review exercise 3

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      Review exercise 3 SolutionBank

Practice exam paper

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      Practice exam paper SolutionBank

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